
Archive for August, 2010

The Genesis of a Perfect Summer Song

August 17, 2010 1 comment

For the majority of this summer, radio stations all over the globe have been virtually unlistenable thanks to the musical travesty that is Katy Perry’s “California Gurls” being on a constant loop.

The beat isn’t so bad, but while many publications have dubbed the annoyingly catchy tune “the song of the summer,” we here at “One More Knight” liken it to lyrical porridge. The song’s brand of overt sexuality went out of style the second a fellow named Ol’ Dirty Bastard mastered that sort of thing when he said: “I don’t have no trouble with you  f*#king me, but I have a little problem with you not f*#king me.”

We prefer our summer songs to be ditties we can relate to about the promise and pitfalls of a relationships with someone who has something  “you just can’t touch”; something so “mysterious” that you just can’t “help falling for.”

Luckily, our clarion call was answered via a mashup by some guy named Dan Chamberlain who stripped the meaninglessness out of “California Gurls,” instead opting for the deeply soulful words of one Phil Collins from the song “Invisible Touch.”  Unfortunately, most of the masterful instrumental work by the rest of Genesis is gone.

Oh well, we’ll take what we can get and though we’d take the original version of  “Invisible Touch” over either; we submit Phil Collins’ ability to turn a meaningless summer song into something so precious and meaningful as our 34th entry into the case for his knighthood.

Take a listen to the clip up above. The track is so hot it just may “melt your popsicle.”